It has to be repeated: the joke isn't as funny the second time its heard. 'Dark Side' has its moments, but if it had any pride, it would use its lightsaber and commit seppuku. Safe haven at Cloud City/Bespin isn't as safe as it seems, as Lando Calrissian (Mort) hosts a whole heap of trouble for the rebels, with Vader and bounty hunter Boba Fett (Giant Chicken) waiting for their prey. After saving the Rebellion from an Imperial trap on Hoth, Luke separates from the group, along with trusty droid R2-D2 (Cleveland) to pursue training from a Jedi master by the name of Yoda (Carl), while his friends and C-3PO (Quagmire) are left to outsmart the Empire and the evil Darth Vader (Stewie) in the bucket of bolts known as the Millenium Falcon. This time, Luke Skywalker (Chris) is fighting the Empire with his Rebellion friends, including Leia (Lois), Chewbacca (Brian), and Han Solo (Peter), who now wants to be called Carlos Spicyweiner. But keep your damn dirty paws off my 'Empire!'įor the second go round, titled 'Something, Something, Something Dark Side,' the Griffin family again are in the middle of a power outage, and resort to telling stories. You can make fun of 'A New Hope' all you want, it changed cinema, that's fine. Some would consider the idea of remaking 'Casablanca' an egregious sin, and in my eyes, even daring to remake 'Empire' in any form or fashion is the same. 'Blue Harvest' (which was the fake working title for 'Return of the Jedi,' a fact that will be forgotten due to 'Family Guy') went on to become a fan favorite, and rather than just leave it at one and done, the 'Family Guy' crew return to the now familiar stomping grounds and pillage the best 'Star Wars' film made: 'The Empire Strikes Back,' before running even that into the ground. More like last year, on the season premiere of 'Family Guy' and soon after again on DVD, Seth MacFarlane took it to 'Star Wars,' recreating the classic original film using his cash cow characters. A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.